directed by Taika Waititi
Description Jojo Rabbit is a movie starring Roman Griffin Davis, Thomasin McKenzie, and Scarlett Johansson. A young boy in Hitler's army finds out his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home
Release year 2019
writed by Taika Waititi
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Taika Waititi ( Thor Ragnarok" is an auteur who I really respect, a lot. He has an incredibly unique, soulful, and humorous sensibility which, despite walking through dark themes and imagery at times, always seems to find a settled place in hope and peace. He has been able to keep this soul throughout films about vampires, foster care, parental death, and even the MCUs "Thor Ragnarok, one of the best entries into the MCU Canon.
It is a rare thing when a truly unique voice is given the opportunity to make a blockbuster like Thor and even more rare that they manage to maintain their artistic integrity as they do so. Considering this, I was eager to see "Jojo Rabbit, apparently the film you make after a smashingly successful first go at a major Hollywood blockbuster and the cache' that success garners you, at least, that is, if you are Taika Waititi.
The concept of this film is the other half of the draw, for me and, most likely, for many people who have seen the trailer. It's a pretty wild concept to look at the fall of the German Reich from the perspective of a naive wide-eyed eager young boy who is actually a pretty big fan of Hitler and really hates Jews. As I sat down to watch this film, I had moments where I hoped I was about to see something akin to "Death of Stalin, poignant and cutting satire that leaned hard into its themes, with a dash of "Moonrise Kingdom, childhood antics and adulting.
In this regard, the film did not disappoint. Especially, the first 30 minutes or so of "Jojo Rabbit" is chock full of children hurting themselves, engaging in hilarious ignorance driven misspeak, and a healthy dose of sardonic wit in which the young troop of pseudo cub scouts seem more like children being thrown into basic training and brainwashing. This section is so enjoyable, partially because of the child actors who are simply stellar throughout. The thrill of team activity and camaraderie is writ large across all of their faces even as their confusion about things 'too-grow-up' for them begin to encroach on their happy go lucky fun in the woods lifestyle.
This isn't all there is to life, though, as Jojo (Roman Griffin Davis) is soon to learn. Although he doesn't know it, his mother (Scarlett Johannson, Her" is a member of the resistance and is hiding a Jewish girl in her attic. With Elsa (Thomasin McKenzie, The King" we get the introduction of an Anne Frank sort of character who forces Jojo into a bit of a quandary. On the one hand, he feels like he should turn her in but he also fears the 'devious ways of the Jew" and suspects that turning her in may end up getting him and his mother in trouble. He decides instead to dedicate himself to learning and writing about the things he learns from her as a sort of study on Jews and why they are so awful.
As you can see, this film has some really interesting character complexities at play and I haven't even gotten to Sam Rockwell ( Moon" as the Troop Leader for the kids or Jojo's little fat friend in the Hitler Youth who has some of the best lines of the film.
Unfortunately, this is where I have to say that I didn't love this film. For all of its great qualities which I described above, the film left me wanting. I don't think everyone will feel this way but there is no way around the fact that this film just didn't stick the landing for me. Why? I'm not exactly sure, and I'll own that.
I don't know why I didn't walk out of the theater shouting about about how much I adore this film. Maybe, the humorous and dramatic parts weren't balanced in the way that I typically like or certain sections weren't as snappy as I expected. Either way, I end up feeling that, while it is a good movie, it isn't one I expect to watch more than once more in my life, if that.
However, I do think that the film has an audience out there and I sincerely hope it finds that crowd. It is full of heart and the themes of seeking understanding about those different than us, the drive for acceptance, and confronting the ugly realities of life but not losing hope are surely important ones that anyone today will see the value of. Also, if you want to see a kid shoot a bazooka by accident and react as if he just spilled the milk instead of blowing up a building, then you may need to run out and see this film.
Nothing like one of the most evil men acting like a happy dad. Is this frodo or harry potter. Booosh and I when he is very similar to heetallar💀. Who's offended by this movie? I've been googling for so long... and searching through twitter. I can't find any real outrage about this movie. let alone people calling for it to be banned.
A fantastic perspective on a film i loved, and as a new zealander feel proud of taika for gaining recognition with. subscribed. Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), event information may be out of date. Please confirm the details with event organizers. Also, now we have a list of online events for you to explore while staying safe at home. Fri Jan 10, 2020 Kino teatras "Pasaka", Šv. Ignoto 4/3, 01144 Vilnius, Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania Never miss an Event Happening in Vilnius Get weekly email updates with the events that are just for you! What shall we call you? E. g. Jack is first name and Mandanka is last name. Tell Us What You Love We'll find event recomendations just for you Voila! You will be up-to-date on events around you. Let your friends also know about this awesome website & subscribe for free!
2:12 speak for yourself mate im from new zealand and the more i think about it the more i realise he is true. I would not trust harry potter with my lady. just saying... I trust him to save the day from he who shall not be not to hang out with my gal pal. IMHO. On a more serious note. I don't know under what kind of rock i was living, but i have never heard of this movie until your video got recommended to me. Thank you for this essay. I now wanna watch the movie as soon as i can. Have a nice day. How do I get it. This is one of the most daring openings I've ever seen, and I've been watching movies for 30 years. On paper, it's horrifying: Jojo yelling Heil Hitler! at the top of his lungs. But somehow Taika made it funny to the point of absurdity, and I think that's what he was going for, to capture the absurdity of the times, much like Mel Brooks did with Blazing Saddles.
Taika n roman's interview: Audience: Silence Ellen: your all getting a free. Audience:👏👏👏👏👏👏👏. He's so adorable, hugging each other like true friends. I found this movie and literally knew nothing. What drew me was the bright red logo for it and I thought itd be cool to just watch it knowing nothing. Thought it was a horror movie cause of the way the title was drawn. Just said JOJO RABBIT. Anyways I really like it so far and I'm 20 min in and paused it to see the reviews and I had no clue his mom was hiding someone. Like I'm actually mad you guys let that in the premise on the main page. Comeon. That would have been such a cool wowwww scene but no. Come on.
I really love this video. Well, really short interview for an Oscar winner... Gawd, just watching this few clips had me tearing up. The player for movie Jojo Rabbit there are three types available good HD quality 360,480,720 - you can choose any of them. Excelent video. I've been eating up Jojo Rabbit videos on YouTube since I saw the movie and this is one of my favourites. Will be sharing it with my friends. Paper like. Files in VOB format have a filename extension and are typically stored in the VIDEO_TS directory at the root of a DVD.
No boyfriend would ever be okay with this so called friendship. Omg I watched the movie Boy! it's so good omlll. He is one weirdo that you would like to be friend with. If I don't get to see them in the same room as Simon Pegg and Nick Frost before I die my life will have been sorely wasted. WILL NOT PLAY ON TV. Paid for this movie (first and maybe LAST time renting from YouTube) and it says wrong format.
I hope Waititi make a film for JoJo and Yorki. Jojo is unbelievably cute and Yorki stole every scenes he was in. They're waaay too cute together 🥰🥰. When you hear: By any means necessary and They are just animals hair on the back of your neck should go up.
After that... 10,000 boys to go.
This is what I have been preaching for years and will continue to preach until I'm dead. YESSSSSS I LOVE JOJO AND UR ESSAYS YAS I HAVE BEEN WAITING.
- Full Movie Underwater 1080i(hd)